(projet en développement)

Plant opera is an interdisciplinary, science-art project that believes in transflorism (analogy to transhumanism). We want to give plants the opportunity to express themselves by providing them with a voice, the ability to write and even to create images. To do this we developed a system of sensors allowing us to translate the real-time data expression from plants into sounds, texts and visuals.
 Plant opera exists in two forms – installation and opera (both indoor and open-air). In the opera human performers (singer, dancer and two performers) lead a fragile dialogue with the plant performers, establishing communication through speech, song and body language.
 The installation is a performance by the plants alone, that continues throughout the night and day… 
 This hybrid work is inspired by current scientific research on the themes of bioethics, plant consciousness, neurobiology. like every opera, it is  about life, love and death.

Réalisation : Arno Zhao
Artiste associés : Kapitolina Tcvetkova-Plotnikova, Jean-David Merhi, Gabriel Jeanjean, Arno Zhao
Partenaires : Kooperation Lab Moscow, K.ALT, Région Grand Est, Archstoyanie, Longevity Festival

Arno Zhao