One winter night, a dog finds herself on the street. Marc, a young man, meets the animal in distress and rejects her. But the dog follows him relentlessly as if his life depended on it. In spite of all Marc’s attempts to get rid of the animal, destiny is relentless and keeps putting them on the same path. As if something united these two beings during this endless night.

Author and director : Côme Châtelain
Cinematography : Arno Zhao
Editing : Rayan Abdelrahman
Sound : Meryl Schmalz, Julian Egger, Louis Gonicel, Rafael Haro, Gabriel Alberte
Script girl : Anne-Marie Fallot

Daniel Holliger
Amadou Mbacke
Ismael Taha
Anne-Marie Fallot
Guillaume Zwaan
Mila Courlet
Marie Dupraz
Camille Lepage
Thomas Leborgne
Julian Daubas

HEAD Genève